Smoke resistant windows and doors
The TPS range of smoke resistant door and window systems are all approved to DIN 18095, and AS1530.7. These doors provide a tested and certified smoke resistant assembly, and provide a level of safety to offered by non-tested alternatives.
The Building Code of Australia (BCA) is very vague in regards to smoke doors, which has lead to the proliferation of non-tested glass ‘smoke’ doors, most of which provide little or no resistance to smoke egress, and certainly no level of KNOWN smoke resistance. Many of these doors may have poorly performing brush seals, and no bottom seal at all. The specification and installation of a ‘smoke door’ in a building implies that the building requires some level of smoke resistance, and the TPS range of smoke doors provides a level of assurance which is not offered at all by untested system.

TPS smoke doors use the Forster Presto framing system, which is also available in Fire, Intruder, and Cyclone door and window assemblies, and include the following features:
- Smoke resistance according to DIN 18095, AS1530.7
- Exceeds the BCA requirement for smoke doors
- Class A impact rated glass infill
- IGU panels available for sound reduction and energy performance
- Integrated twin proprietary seals on all leaves and frames
- Drop seals on all leaves
- Mild steel or Stainless Steel
- For Fire Doors with smoke protection, Click here…